Frj82’s Blog

October 28, 2008

October God’s Field Article

This is my “Election Edition” article that is up for publication in the PNCC’s official newspaper “God’s Field.”  I think it gives a good taste of my brand of writing.

Being Politically Apolitical


I actually would have preferred the title “Being Politically Unpolitical,” but turns out that “unpolitical” is not a word.  No matter, it simply helps to convey the message that has taken over our country for the last few weeks and will certainly only grow more predominant over the next few.

Politics.  A tough thing to talk about in America because of the system in place that has a “if you are not with me, you are against me” sort of feel to it.  It is rather funny, as it brings me back (only) a few short years ago to a politics class at the University of Hartford, my alma mater.  An entire week was spent on how somehow in our nation’s history, democracy got sort of crumpled up and when we uncrumpled it (sorry, another fake word), we ended up with a two party system.  Sure, there is nothing “broken” about it, it is just a little crumpled, if you will. (more…)

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